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Unblocking Toilet Drains: Tips and Techniques from Melbourne Blocked Drains

Blocked toilets are a common plumbing issue that can cause a lot of inconvenience and frustration. Whether it's a partial blockage or a complete blockage, it can lead to overflowing and unpleasant smells. At Melbourne Blocked Drains, we have years of experience in unblocking toilet drains quickly and efficiently. In this article, we'll share some tips and techniques on how to unblock toilet drains and prevent them from happening again.

What Causes Toilet Drains to Block?

There are several reasons why toilet drains may get blocked. The most common causes include:

  • Flushing inappropriate items down the toilet, such as sanitary products, wet wipes, or paper towels.

  • A buildup of toilet paper or other debris over time.

  • A blocked vent pipe, which can cause air pressure problems and prevent water from flowing.

  • A damaged or collapsed drain pipe, which can cause blockages and leaks.

How to Unblock Toilet Drains

There are several techniques you can try to unblock a toilet drain before calling a plumber. Here are some of the most effective methods:


A plunger is a simple and effective tool that can help dislodge blockages in the toilet. Here's how to use a plunger:

  1. Ensure there's enough water in the bowl to cover the plunger.

  2. Place the plunger over the drain hole and push down gently to create a vacuum.

  3. Pull up sharply to create suction and loosen the blockage.

  4. Repeat the process until the blockage is cleared.

Closet Auger

A closet auger, also known as a toilet auger, is a specialized tool designed to clear blockages in the toilet. Here's how to use a closet auger:

  1. Insert the auger into the toilet bowl until you feel resistance.

  2. Rotate the handle to work the auger through the blockage.

  3. Withdraw the auger and flush the toilet to see if the blockage has cleared.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

You can also try using a combination of baking soda and vinegar to break down blockages in the toilet. Here's how:

  1. Pour a cup of baking soda into the toilet bowl.

  2. Add a cup of vinegar and allow the mixture to fizz for a few minutes.

  3. Pour a kettle of hot water into the bowl and flush the toilet.

Preventing Toilet Drain Blockages

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to toilet drain blockages. Here are some tips to prevent blockages from occurring:

    • Don't flush inappropriate items down the toilet, such as sanitary products, wet wipes, or paper towels.

    • Use less toilet paper or switch to thinner, single-ply toilet paper.

    • Clean the toilet bowl regularly to prevent buildup of debris.

    • Have regular plumbing maintenance to check for potential problems

Get a professional service and call us today.

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